Welcome to the Dudeist Wedding Officiant Certification Course!

This course is laid out in three modules so you can easily navigate to the parts you need as you learn to be an achiever as a wedding officiant. First, we will cover some context and background to have a basic idea of marriage and why people want to get hitched. In the second module we cover some of the prerequisites that need to be fulfilled before you agree to solemnize any wedding. Finally, the bulk of the course is in the third section where we cover aspects of the actual ceremony. 

This is not a long course, and the test is not at all exhausting. Some people who understand Dudeist philosophy and the basics of officiating weddings might get by just skimming the course materials and jumping right into the test. However, we still recommend going through the modules so that you can be as prepared as possible for when it comes time to put this all into practice. Refer to this material as often as needed in your preparation to become certified or to refresh your knowledge for any officiating duties you may perform in the future.

We hope you find this information useful, and good luck on the test and getting certified, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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